
HRISReporter | HRMS

HRISReporter® – Unlock your HRMS Historical Data

We have something brewing and it may alleviate a lot of your headaches. HRISReporter is a reporting tool for extracting historical data from your old Human Resource Management systems (HRMS) like CORT or an integrated CORT/NuView system.

If you need to access compliance and historical information from your old system, this is your answer! This tool, a propriety software developed by Nine Peaks, will quickly retrieve payroll information and totals, employee pay statements, and HR/employment history with a click of a few buttons. Delivered in PDF files via a number of different possible methods.

The best part…you don’t have to keep your old HRMS systems up and running. We’ve prepared so that you’re ready to answer the historical and compliance challenges when they come up in the future, without your original system being available. Would this be valuable to you?

Get a Free Demo of HRISReporter®

HRISReporter® Facts

Tool contains reporting on:
  • Database configurations & system setup
  • Payroll information & totals
  • Employee pay statements
  • Quarterly & Yearly Total Reports
  • HR info / employment history
  • Job Change History
  • Any attachments in the database
  • Employee’s Benefit History (if client has an integrated NuViewHR\CORT Payroll system)
  • Past year’s W2 statements can be ran out of your existing database and included.
Output can be delivered in multiple ways:
  • PDF documents delivered by a secure Laserfiche® cloud solution (additional search/retrieval, security, and document retention, and document retention capabilities)
  • PDF documents delivered by a Laserfiche® repository on premise
  • HRISViewer (a NPS software product) – a list, search, view, & print application for PDFs that is SQL Server/Web based installed on premise
  • PDF documents that are placed into a server’s or workstation’s folder structure at the client location
  • PDF documents and comma separated value (CSV) data files that can be used to load the information to a document management solution

HRISReporter® Features

  • Avoid keeping the full old HRMS system up and running
  • Reduced IT support
  • Eliminate Operating System & SQL software assurance fees
  • Eliminate software application maintenance fees
  • Quick to access information
  • No training on software necessary, if using the pdfs
  • Secure / limited access
  • Cloud, server, or individual machine based
  • No need to import pay history into a new system
  • Content searchable, if using a Laserfiche® based delivery method

Sign Up For a Free Consultation!

NuView CORT Payroll is a product of Ignite Technologies, Inc.

Note:  Nine Peaks Solutions LLC is an independent technology and services organization and is not affiliated with Ignite Technologies, Inc.