
22 Laserfiche Benefits in 2022!

We are going to begin with the end in mind… the first Laserfiche®software benefit we are covering is compliance. With the records management feature of Laserfiche, records retention policies can be automated. Hence, information contained in Laserfiche can be retained for the correct amount of time to meet the required compliance guidelines.

Examples (only two of countless):

  • Only copies of accounts payable invoices that are less than eight (8) years old are to be retained for the organization. A retention policy to obtain this result identifies invoices that are eligible for removal–those that are eight years old or older. The retention policy would identify which invoices should be removed and make them available for disposition. The records administrator would then make the determinations on which invoices are to be removed.
  • On boarding records for employees that are no longer employed and have been gone from the organization for more than seven (7) years.

Why tell the story of 22 Laserfiche Benefits in 2022!?

With an application, a system, and a development tool (yes, it is all three) as deep and wide as Laserfiche, it is very difficult to tell the complete story. During 2022 Nine Peaks Solutions will be introducing one benefit of using a Laserfiche Content Management based solution every two weeks via a LinkedIn post. Follow the progress of the benefits being introduced throughout the year via this webpage: We will also be using these hash tags within LinkedIn: #DigitalTransformation #Paperless and others that are directly related to the benefit being covered. For compliance: #Compliance #RecordsManagement #Paperless #NoManualFilesToCleanOut

Nine Peaks Solutions – Your ‘Peak Performance’ Technology Partner®

As a Laserfiche authorized solution provider, Nine Peaks Solutions helps businesses achieve peak performance with technology. Through a desire to help companies work smarter, we offer a complete look at your organization’s processes and match the right technology to boost productivity. Whether a small firm with paper-based processes or a mid/large-size company that wants to work better, we help streamline processes, reduce overhead costs, and improve performance.

Want to learn how your organization can benefit from Laserfiche and NPS?

Request a Free Consultation.