
22 Laserfiche Benefits in 2022!

Lets look at the end result of the Digitize benefit. Here is an example: the ability to pull up a past service report while the client is on the phone. Information is available immediately that will assist the client’s service interaction and will help derive a better end result. Reduced storage space, no miss filed documents, no files on individual’s desks, no “has anyone seen…”, no pile of documents to be filed, and everything in it’s place as a business process is completed.

The digitize benefit can be daunting. Keep in mind you don’t have to have everything done to have incremental & meaningful results. Quite a few organizations choose to start with a “from this day forward” declaration. They begin to digitize the new business information and then going back and getting the most important archived business information as time allows. The important thing to recognize is that you’re shaping the future with the digitize benefit by just beginning.

We started introducing the overall Digital Transformation Model (DTM) with the second benefit we discussed in our current series of LinkedIn posts — Easy Capture.  In the coming weeks we’ll be covering the other parts of Digitization.  In the future we’ll also be covering the other pillars in the Digital Transformation Model — Automate & Transform.  If you would like to learn more on the Digitize topic — you can follow this link. Or just hang on just a bit! We’ll be introducing more discussion on digitize in the next few weeks.

The three pillars in the Digital Transformation Model are:

Why tell the story of 22 Laserfiche Benefits in 2022!?

With an application, a system, and a development tool (yes, it is all three) as deep and wide as Laserfiche, it is very difficult to tell the complete story. During 2022 Nine Peaks Solutions will be introducing one benefit of using a Laserfiche Content Management based solution every two weeks via a LinkedIn post. Follow the progress of the benefits being introduced throughout the year via this webpage: https://NinePeaksSolutions.com/22LFBenefits   We will also be using these hash tags within LinkedIn:  #DigitalTransformation #Paperless #22LFBenefitsIn2022 and others that are directly related to the benefit being covered.  For Digitize:  #Digitize #HowToStartDigitalTransformation #Scan #Capture #Classify #Search #ContinuousImprovement.

Nine Peaks Solutions – Your ‘Peak Performance’ Technology Partner®

As a Laserfiche authorized solution provider, Nine Peaks Solutions helps businesses achieve peak performance with technology. Through a desire to help companies work smarter, we offer a complete look at your organization’s processes and match the right technology to boost productivity. Whether a small firm with paper-based processes or a mid/large-size company that wants to work better, we help streamline processes, reduce overhead costs, and improve performance.

Want to learn how your organization can benefit from Laserfiche and NPS?

Request a Free Consultation.